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Why Mobile Shredding is on the Rise

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How Did We Get Here? – A Brief History

A series of wooden disks with red arrows are laid on a gray surface, each placed to indicate a rise from the previous disk. A final wooden disk with an award icon is shown behind a magnifying glass held by a hand reaching into the image frame.

We live in an ever-changing culture intended to improve our lifestyle, our environment, and our workplace. The choice to destroy information on paper probably dates back to the invention of papyrus in 4000 BC, when information was no longer limited to cave walls and awkward heavy stone tablets, and when humans may have started destroying their work to keep others from viewing it. Anyone who was really determined to know what was on those pages, or hoping to discover some interesting secrets, would need to take the time to reassemble the destroyed documents.

In the 1930s, Adolf Ehinger created and used the first “paper shredder” to destroy his anti-Nazi propaganda to keep the authorities from discovering it. His life depended on the effectiveness of his shredder.

By 1934, realizing that personal information had value, and if revealed, that information could be used inappropriately or illegally, the federal government started implementing privacy laws, beginning with the Social Security Act. Privacy acts increased the need for information to be securely protected and properly destroyed.

By the early 2000s, shredding companies had become prominent fixtures in business culture, because of the vast quantity of information being produced that needed to be protected. Professional shredding companies were designing their services to be compliant with federal and state privacy laws.

Why The Shift to Professional Shredding?

Companies that generated private information soon realized that trying to securely protect and destroy their own documents, while at the same time operate their businesses effectively, was an extremely difficult thing to do. Here are four reasons it wasn’t an efficient use of their company’s time and resources.

  1. DIY Shredding is Costly
    • It took staff members away from accomplishing their business’s primary mission.
    • They were responsible for equipment repair and replacement.
    • If their shredder wasn’t working, discarded documents would sit unattended or land in the recycle or trash bin without being destroyed.
  1. DIY Shredding is Frustrating

Staff members were required to stand and feed paper into a slow, inefficient, noisy shredder. They were required to remove staples, paperclips, and covers before shredding. And then there was the frustration of emptying the shredder’s bin on a regular basis.

  1. DIY Shredding is Unsecure

Companies risked the cost of fines or legal issues if their DIY shredded documents weren’t properly destroyed to be unreadable or if they were reconstructed. On the other hand, a professional shredding company had the equipment to quickly and thoroughly shred large quantities of documents so they couldn’t be used for illegal purposes.

  1. DIY Shredding is not Environmentally Friendly

It was unlikely that DIY shredded paper would be recycled because most recycle collection companies weren’t equipped to pick up small quantities of shredded paper from individual companies. When a professional shredding company was used, they could ensure that 100% of your shredded material was recycled and kept out of the landfill.

Why the Shift to Mobile Shredding?

The world of data protection keeps changing, just like your business. Mobile shredding has become even more popular and valuable. Here’s why.

  1. Mobile Shredding is Affordable

A professional shredding company will bring their specially designed shred truck to your location, pick up your documents and shred them onsite. You don’t need to designate staff members, their time, and the cost of transportation to deliver documents to a shredding venue when you want to securely destroy your sensitive information. Your company can continue operating without any hesitation or disruption.

  1. Mobile Shredding is Convenient

Document shredding can be done at your location and on your watch. You can schedule a one-time pick up or routine shredding service so that your discarded documents spend as little time as possible without being shredded.. A reputable shredding company can work with you to determine the most convenient times for pickup.

  1. Mobile Shredding is Secure

A professional shredding company will supply secure and locked shred collection containers so that your discarded documents are always protected. Your documents will be fed directly into a shredder on the truck, while you watch. You will be confident that your documents have been fully destroyed. To prove that your private information has been transferred and destroyed properly, a shredding company will issue a Certificate of Destruction. This document will protect your company in the event of any questions or audits.

Why Wiggins Mobile Shredding?

Wiggins Shredding provides mobile shredding because it is convenient, secure, and affordable. We are compliant with all state and federal privacy laws, and we continue to stay current so your business can be too. To schedule our mobile shredding service at your business, call us at 610-692-TEAR (8327) or complete the form on this page.

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